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Imagen y tecnologías aplicadas a la salud

Líneas de investigación

Cirugía oral maxilofacial.

Implantología oral y maxilofacial.

Actividades del grupo

Es un grupo que tiene experiencia en evaluar fármacos analgésicos y antiinflamatorios en los procedimientos de terceros molares inferiores.

Dentro de nuestra línea de investigación hemos realizado estudios sobre si es necesario el tratamiento antibiótico tras la exodoncia de terceros molares inferiores

Estamos trabajando en un proyecto para construir mediante tecnología CAD/CAM de guías de corte y miniplacas de titanio customizadas que actúen como férulas de reposicionamiento para su aplicación en procedimientos de cirugía ortognática.

En reconstrucciones faciales y maxilares hemos investigado, sobre todo en pacientes oncológicos, con cestas de titanio customizadas y rellenas con mezcla de injerto óseo autólogo con BMP y con cultivos de células mesenquimales, el maxilar superior e inferior.

Formamos parte del Sentinel Node Group, grupo europeo que está integrado por 17 hospitales europeos, entre ellos nuestro Hospital de Cruces, que realiza la técnica del ganglio centinela en el carcinoma oral de células espinosas en estadio I. Este procedimiento disminuye la morbilidad, es coste-efectivo y no presenta diferencias significativas en recidivas frente a otros procedimientos.

Trabajamos actualmente en un proyecto FIS para determinar la capacidad de regeneración ósea de las células pluripotenciales de la pulpa dental en defectos óseos postextracción.

Formamos parte de un proyecto liderado por el departamento de Innovación del Hospital de Cruces para implementar la utilización de la impresión 3D en la asistencia mediante Biomodelos y Guías de corte, fresado y punción.

Foto grupo

Coordinador/a del grupo

Miembros del grupo

  Julio Álvarez Amezaga
  José María García González
  Jorge Cervera Aldama
  Bakarne Ugarte Sierra
  Andoni Larzabal Aretxabala
  David Lecumberri Castaños
  Roberto Llarena Ibarguren
  Gorka Santamaría Arrieta
  Antonio Arruza Echevarria
  Borja Andicoechea Agorria
  Iván Olano Grasa
  Goiztidi Díaz Basterra
  Joan Brunso Casellas
  Víctor Crespo Atin
  Roberto Voces Sánchez
  Aingeru Sarriugarte Lasarte
  Jesús Padilla Nieva
  Raúl Saa Álvarez
  Marta Silvia Legorburu Díaz
  Iñigo Tuduri Limousin
  Leyre Margallo Itza
  Carlos Prol Teijeiro
  Rosa Isabel Cherro Samper
  Estíbaliz Ortíz De Zárate Román
  Melanie Priscila Azkona Cárdenas
  Aitor De La Quintana Basarrate
  María García Iruretagoyena
  Carlos Pérez Uribarri
  Arturo Galbarriatu Gutierrez

Imagen y tecnologías aplicadas a la salud

Galvez Estevez CM, Valdivieso Castro MP, Galbarriatu Gutierrez A, Tuduri Limousin I, Cardenal Alonso Allende TM, Alvarez Martinez L, et al. Use of internal-external diversion stent in open pyeloplasty in patients under one year of age. Cir Pediatr. 2023; 36(1): 28-32. DOI:10.54847/cp.2023.01.17.

Flor Lorente B, Noguera Aguilar JF, Delgado Rivilla S, Garcia Gonzalez JM, Rodriguez Martin M, Salinas Ortega L, et al. The economic impact of anastomotic leak after colorectal cancer surgery. Health Econ Rev. 2023; 13(1). DOI:10.1186/s13561-023-00425-y.

Tamayo BV, Valero AP, Fernandez JF, Vicente TP, Ateca IV, de la Iglesia MT, et al. Spontaneous retroperitoneal hematoma in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Angiologia. 2023; 75(2): 85-96. DOI:10.20960/angiologia.00429.

Nunes Xavier CE, Emaldi M, Mingo J, Oyjord T, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad O, et al. The expression pattern of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases predicts prognosis and correlates with immune exhaustion in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (vol 13, 7339, 2023). Sci Rep. 2023; 13(1). DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-36328-5.

Ocerin Alganza O, Perez Gonzalez C, Arana de la Torre MN, Garcia Gonzalez JM. Rare presentation of a large desmoid tumor after surgery for Meckel's diverticulum. Cir Esp (Engl Ed). 2023. DOI:10.1016/j.cireng.2023.05.010.

Nunes Xavier CE, Emaldi M, Mingo J, Oyjord T, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad O, et al. The expression pattern of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases predicts prognosis and correlates with immune exhaustion in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Sci Rep. 2023; 13(1). DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-34087-x.

Ocana J, Pastor P, Timoteo A, Diez Alonso MM, de la Portilla F, Cagigas C, et al. Risk factors for anastomotic leakage and postoperative outcomes after total and subtotal colectomy: A nationwide retrospective cohort study (RIALTCOT Study Collaborative Group). Colorectal Dis. 2023; 25(3): 420-430. DOI:10.1111/codi.16384.

Ocana J, Garcia Perez JC, Fernandez Martinez D, Aguirre I, Pascual I, Lora P, et al. Diverticulitis with abscess formation: Outcomes of non-operative management and nomogram for predicting emergency surgery: The Diplicab Study Collaborative Group. Surgery. 2023; 174(3): 492-501. DOI:10.1016/j.surg.2023.05.016.

Gomez Ramirez J, Luengo P, Mercader E, Quintana A, de Nova JLM, Febrero B, et al. Desmoplastic reaction in medullary thyroid carcinoma predicts presence of lymph node metastasis. Br J Surg. 2023; 110(8): 1011-1012. DOI:10.1093/bjs/znad172.

Perfecto A, Villota B, Garcia JM, Martin I, Gastaca M. Ultrasound guided thermal ablation of synchronous liver metastases and simultaneous resection of colorectal cancer: A single-center case series. Cir Esp (Engl Ed). 2023. DOI:10.1016/j.cireng.2023.05.015.

Hidalgo Pujol M, Biondo S, Die Trill J, Vigorita V, Paniagua Garcia Senorans M, Pascual Miguelanez I, et al. Upfront surgery versus self-expanding metallic stent as bridge to surgery in left-sided colonic cancer obstruction: A multicenter observational study. Surgery. 2022; 172(1): 74-82. DOI:10.1016/j.surg.2021.12.035.

Arteagoitia I, Sanchez FR, Figueras A, Arroyo Lamas N. Is clindamycin effective in preventing infectious complications after oral surgery? Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clin Oral Investig. 2022; 26(6): 4467-4478. DOI:10.1007/s00784-022-04411-2.

Sarriugarte Lasarte A, Garcia Alberdi E, Perez Fernandez S, Gutierrez Grijalba O, Mifsut Porcel P, Kataryniuk Di Costanzo Y, et al. Linitis plastica: current prognostic implication of a classic concept. Cir Cir. 2022; 90(1): 64-73. DOI:10.24875/CIRU.20001106.

Ateca IV, Valero AP, Hermosilla CS, Salazar SM, Fernandez SP, Lasarte AS. Prognostic value of the nodal ratio in gastric cancer: Unicentric analysis of 199 patients. Cir Esp (Engl Ed). 2022; 100(5): 266-273. DOI:10.1016/j.cireng.2022.04.003.

Perfecto A, Villalabeitia I, Sendino P, Sarriugarte A. Spontaneous retroperitoneal hematoma in critical patients with bilateral SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Cir Esp (Engl Ed). 2022; 100(6): 387-388. DOI:10.1016/j.cireng.2022.04.010.

Pascual Vicente T, Perfecto Valero A, Garcia Gonzalez JM. Brain abscess and colorectal cancer. Med Clin. 2022; 158(8): 393-394. DOI:10.1016/j.medcli.2021.06.030.

Adamina M, Ademuyiwa A, Adisa A, Bhangu AA, Bravo AM, Cunha MF, et al. The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study. Colorectal Dis. 2022; 24(6): 708-726. DOI:10.1111/codi.16117.

Nunes Xavier CE, Mingo J, Emaldi M, Flem Karlsen K, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad O, et al. Heterogeneous Expression and Subcellular Localization of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex in Prostate Cancer. Front Oncol. 2022; 12. DOI:10.3389/fonc.2022.873516.

Ripolles Melchor J, Abad Motos A, Cecconi M, Pearse R, Jaber S, Slim K, et al. Association between use of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols and postoperative complications in colorectal surgery in Europe: The EuroPOWER international observational study. J Clin Anesth. 2022; 80: 110752-110752. DOI:10.1016/j.jclinane.2022.110752.

Pera M, Gibert J, Gimeno M, Garsot E, Eizaguirre E, Miro M, et al. Machine Learning Risk Prediction Model of 90-day Mortality after Gastrectomy for Cancer. Ann Surg. 2022; 276(5): 776-783. DOI:10.1097/SLA.0000000000005616.

Castano M, Sbraga F, Perez de la Sota E, Arribas JM, Luisa Camara M, Voces R, et al. Extracorporeal membrane oxigenation in COVID-19 patients: Results of the ECMO-COVID Registry of the Spanish Society of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery. CIR CARDIOVASC. 2022; 29(2): 89-102. DOI:10.1016/j.circv.2022.01.007.

Perfecto A, Villalabeitia I, Sendino P, Sarriugarte A. Spontaneous retroperitoneal hematoma in critical patients with bilateral SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Cir Espan. 2022; 100(6): 387-388. DOI:10.1016/j.ciresp.2021.06.011.

Arrieta GS, Sánchez FR, Rodriguez Andrés C, Barbier L, Arteagoitia I. The effect of preoperative clindamycin in reducing early oral implant failure: a randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2023; 27(3): 1113-1122. DOI:10.1007/s00784-022-04701-9.

Garcia RI, Jauregui I, Del Amo C, Gandiaga A, Rodriguez O, Margallo L, et al. Implementation of an In-House 3D Manufacturing Unit in a Public Hospital's Radiology Department. Healthcare. 2022; 10(9). DOI:10.3390/healthcare10091791.

Osorio J, Madrazo Z, Videla S, Sainz B, Rodriguez Gonzalez A, Campos A, et al. Use of failure-to-rescue after emergency surgery as a dynamic indicator of hospital resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. A multicenter retrospective propensity score-matched cohort study. Int J Surg. 2022; 106: 106890-106890. DOI:10.1016/j.ijsu.2022.106890.

Mutsinzi Mukarukaka GH, Arruza Echevarria A. Panurothelial recurrence in a patient after nephroureterectomy for transitional cell carcinoma. A therapeutic dilema. Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed). 2022; 46(8): 513-514. DOI:10.1016/j.acuroe.2022.02.008.

Gomez MA, Suarez OJE, Ortega JLL, Echevarria AA. First Case Described in the Medical Literature: Male Urethral Sarcoidosis. Description of a Case and Review of the Literature. Arch Esp Urol. 2022; 75(5): 476-479. DOI:10.56434/j.arch.esp.urol.20227505.70.

Arjona L, Enrique Diez L, Bahillo Martinez A, Arruza Echevarria A. UroSound: A Smartwatch-based Platform to Perform Non-Intrusive Sound-based Uroflowmetry. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2022; PP. DOI:10.1109/JBHI.2022.3140590.

Alvarez Martinez L, Ruiz Aja E, Valdivieso Castro MP, Cardenal Alonso Allende TM, Galvez Estevez CM, Galbarriatu Gutierrez A, et al. Common surgical training program: standardization of learning quality. Cir Pediatr. 2022; 35(4): 196-203. DOI:10.54847/cp.2022.04.20.

Mukarukaka GHM, Echevarria AA. Panurothelial recurrence in a patient after nephroureterectomy for transitional cell carcinoma. A therapeutic dilemma. Actas Urol Esp. 2022; 46(8): 513-514. DOI:10.1016/j.acuro.2022.02.001.

Nunes Xavier CE, Emaldi M, Guldvik IJ, Ramberg H, Tasken KA, Malandsmo GM, et al. Correlation of expression of Major Vault Protein with androgen receptor and immune checkpoint protein B7-H3, and with poor prognosis in prostate cancer. Pathol Res Pract. 2023; 241: 154243-154243. DOI:10.1016/j.prp.2022.154243.

Mantica G, Carrion DM, Anton Juanilla M, Pang KH, Parodi S, Tappero S, et al. Impact of a delayed presentation to the emergency department for acute renal colic on biochemical and clinical outcomes. Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed). 2022; 47(1): 41-46. DOI:10.1016/j.acuroe.2021.12.013.

Andres Ros C, Perez Fernandez E, Garcia Carballo B, Fernandez Sole S, Margallo Itza L, Ortiz Roman E. Selective arterial embolization as an alternative modality treatment prior to mandibular aneursymal bone cyst surgical curettage: Case report. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. 2022; 14(12). DOI:10.4317/jced.59530.

Zapardiel I, Alvarez J, Barahona M, Barri P, Boldo A, Bresco P et al. Utility of Intraoperative Fluorescence Imaging in Gynecologic Surgery: Systematic Review and Consensus Statement. Ann Surg Oncol. 2021; 28(6): 3266-3278. DOI:10.1245/s10434-020-09222-x.

Perfecto A, Gastaca M, Prieto M, Cervera J, Ruiz P, Ventoso A et al. Totally laparoscopic simultaneous resection of colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases: a single-center case series. Surg Endosc. 2021; 36(2): 980-987. DOI:10.1007/s00464-021-08362-9.

Glasbey JC, Nepogodiev D, Simoes JFF, Omar O, Li E, Venn ML et al. Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19-Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study. J Clin Oncol. 2021; 39(1). DOI:10.1200/JCO.20.01933.

Villalabeitia Ateca I, Perfecto Valero A, Serrano Hermosilla C, Marcaida Salazar A, Perez Fernandez S, Sarriugarte Lasarte A. Prognostic value of the nodal ratio in gastric cancer: Unicentric analysis pf 199 patients. Cir Esp (Engl Ed). 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.ciresp.2021.03.018.

Arroyo Lamas N, Arteagoitia I, Ugalde U. Surface Activation of Titanium Dental Implants by Using UVC-LED Irradiation. Int J Mol Sci. 2021; 22(5). DOI:10.3390/ijms22052597.

Gutierrez Zurimendi G, Zabala Egurrola JA, Lecumberri Castanos D, Urresola Olabarrieta A, Ezquerro Imas AI, Cambon Baston EM et al. Orthotopic kidney transplantation (ORT): an alternative when heterotopic is not possible. Arch Esp Urol. 2021; 74(3): 293-298

Alonso Carnicero P, Villalabeitia Ateca I, Sarriugarte Lasarte A, Barturen Barroso A. ESOPHAGEAL PERFORATION SECONDARY TO ARTERIAL EMBOLIZATION DEVICE IN SCIMITAR SYNDROME. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2021; 113(7): 540-541. DOI:10.17235/reed.2021.7832/2021.

Nepogodiev D, COVIDSurg C, GlobalSurg C. Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2021; 76(6): 748-758. DOI:10.1111/anae.15458.

COVIDSurg Collaborative GC. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. Br J Surg. 2021; 108(9): 1056-1063. DOI:10.1093/bjs/znab101.

Aizcorbe Gomez M, Gutierrez Zurimendi G, Arruza Echevarria A. [Clinicopathologic analysis of 5 cases of urachal adenocarcinoma.]. Arch Esp Urol. 2021; 74(5): 535-540

Nunes Xavier CE, Kildal W, Kleppe A, Danielsen HE, Waehre H, Llarena R et al. Immune checkpoint B7-H3 protein expression is associated with poor outcome and androgen receptor status in prostate cancer. Prostate. 2021; 81(12): 838-848. DOI:10.1002/pros.24180.

Anton Juanilla M, Arruza Echevarria A. Use of vascular prostheses in renal transplantation: series of 9 cases. Arch Esp Urol. 2021; 74(6): 623-627

Zorrilla Vaca A, Stone AB, Ripolles Melchor J, Abad Motos A, Ramirez Rodriguez JM, Galan Menendez P et al. Institutional factors associated with adherence to enhanced recovery protocols for colorectal surgery: Secondary analysis of a multicenter study. J Clin Anesth. 2021; 74: 110378-110378. DOI:10.1016/j.jclinane.2021.110378.

Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Maier RV, Coimbra R, Ordonez C et al. Trauma quality indicators: internationally approved core factors for trauma management quality evaluation. World J Emerg Surg. 2021; 16(1). DOI:10.1186/s13017-021-00350-7.

Sala Hernandez A, Frasson M, Garcia Granero A, Hervas Marin D, Laiz Marro B, Alonso Pardo R et al. Diagnostic accuracy of C-reactive protein, procalcitonin and neutrophils for the early detection of anastomotic leakage after colorectal resection. A multicentric, prospective study. Colorectal Dis. 2021. DOI:10.1111/codi.15845.

Perfecto A, Villalabeitia I, Sendino P, Sarriugarte A. Spontaneous retroperitoneal hematoma in critical patients with bilateral SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Cir Espan. 2021; 100(6): 387-388. DOI:10.1016/j.ciresp.2021.06.011.

Li E, COVIDSurg C, GlobalSurg C. SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2021; 77(1): 28-39. DOI:10.1111/anae.15563.

Palomares T, Arteagoitia I, García de la Fuente AM, Herrero de la Parte B, Bircu D, Ruiz de Azúa S et al. Desarrollo de un plan integral para la adquisición de la competencia de comunicación en el grado en Odontología de la Universidad del País Vasco: un reto institucional. Fem: Revista De La Fundación Educación Médica. 2021; 24(1): 42-47

Agirre L, de la Quintana A, Martinez G, Arana A, Servide MJ, Larrea J. Surgical results and the location of pathological glands in the treatment of primary sporadic hyperparathyroidism with negative preoperative 99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy. Cir Esp (Engl Ed). 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.cireng.2021.11.011.

Riera J, Alcantara S, Bonilla C, Fortuna P, Blandino Ortiz A, Vaz A et al. Risk factors for mortality in patients with COVID-19 needing extracorporeal respiratory support. Eur Resp J. 2021; 59(2). DOI:10.1183/13993003.02463-2021.


Madrazo Z, Osorio J, Videla S, Sainz B, Rodriguez Gonzalez A, Campos A et al. P-POSSUM as mortality predictor in COVID-19-infected patients submitted to emergency digestive surgery. A retrospective cohort study. Int J Surg. 2021; 96: 106171-106171. DOI:10.1016/j.ijsu.2021.106171.

Estrade O, Aizcorbe M, Olaverri JG, Arruza A. DE NOVO TUMORS IN RENAL TRANSPLANTATION. Arch Esp Urol. 2021; 74(10): 1050-1057

de Velasco G, Ruiz Granados A, Reig O, Massari F, Duran M, Verzoni E et al. Outcomes of systemic targeted therapy in recurrent renal cell carcinoma treated with adjuvant sunitinib. BJU Int. 2021; 128(2): 254-261. DOI:10.1111/bju.15356.

Bhangu A, COVIDSurg C. Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Colorectal Dis. 2021; 23(3): 732-749. DOI:10.1111/codi.15431.

Bankhead Kendall BK, Futaba K, Gabre Kidan A, Loffler MW, Omar O, Bhangu AA et al. Preoperative nasopharyngeal swab testing and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Br J Surg. 2021; 108(1): 88-96. DOI:10.1093/bjs/znaa051.

Ward AE, Ahmed I, Dhaif F, Bankhad Kendall B, Mahmood A, Marais L et al. Outcomes after perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with proximal femoral fractures: an international cohort study. Bmj Open. 2021; 11(11). DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050830.

Tabiri S, Kamarajah SK, Nepogodiev D, Li E, Simoes J, Sravanam S et al. Impact of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination on postoperative mortality in patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection. BJS Open. 2021; 5(6). DOI:10.1093/bjsopen/zrab131.

Di Martino M, Mora Guzman I, Jodra VV, Dehesa AS, Garcia DM, Ruiz RC et al. How to Predict Postoperative Complications After Early Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis: the Chole-Risk Score. J Gastrointest Surg. 2021; 25(11): 2814-2822. DOI:10.1007/s11605-021-04956-9.

Gutiérrez Zurimendi G, Llarena Ibarguren R, Lecumberri Castaños D, Fernández Pereda R, Urresola Olabarrieta A, García De Casasola Rodríguez G, et al. Metástasis pancreáticas de tumor primario renal: presentacion de una serie de casos y revisión de la literatura. Arch Esp Urol. 2020; 73(2): 147-154

Antón Juanilla M, Arruza Echevarría A. Características clínicopatológicas del cáncer de próstata en varones =55 años tratados mediante prostatectomía radical robótica. Arch Esp Urol. 2020; 73(3): 209-214

Espin Basany E, Solís Peña A, Pellino G, Kreisler E, Fraccalvieri D, Muinelo Lorenzo M, et al. Preoperative oral antibiotics and surgical-site infections in colon surgery (ORALEV): a multicentre, single-blind, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020; 5(8): 729-738. DOI:10.1016/S2468-1253(20)30075-3.

Aizcorbe Gómez M, Lecumberri Castaños D, Ezquerro Imas AI, Pérez García E, Estradé Suarez OJ, Arruza Echevarría A. Aneurisma micótico y fístula arteria ilíaca externa-ureteroileostomía Bricker: complicación post cistoprostatectomía radical laparoscópica. Arch Esp Urol. 2020; 73(4): 316-319

Gonzalez MB, Casellas JB, Fernandez Mondragon MP, Nuno VC, Amezaga JA, De Carlos Villafra F. Clinical, esthetic, and quality of life outcomes after telegnathic surgery in Caucasian OSAS patients. Cranio : The Journal Of Craniomandibular Practice. 2020. DOI:10.1080/08869634.2020.1767474.

Ugarte Sierra B, Landaluce Olavarria A, Cabrera Serna I, Vinas Trullen X, Brugiotti C, Ramirez Rodriguez JM, et al. Enhanced Recovery After Emergency Surgery: Utopia or Reality?. Cir Espan. 2020; 99(4): 258-266. DOI:10.1016/j.ciresp.2020.04.017.

Sanchez FR, Arteagoitia I, Teughels W, Andres CR, Quirynen M. Antibiotic dosage prescribed in oral implant surgery: A meta-analysis of cross-sectional surveys. PLoS One. 2020; 15(8). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0236981.

Brunsó J, Prol C, de Carlos F, Cabriada V, Mendiola J, Barbier L. Planificación, resultados y anatomía de la vía aérea superior en síndrome de apnea/hipopnea obstructiva del sueño tras avance bimaxilar: 20 casos. Revista Española De Cirugía Oral Y Maxilofacial. 2020; 42(3): 107-118. DOI:10.20986/recom.2020.1140/2020.

Ruiz Osle S, Crespo Atin V. [Occupied ureterocele and incomplete double collecting system.]. Arch Esp Urol. 2020; 73(7): 659-660

Aizcorbe Gomez M, Lecumberri Castanos D, Ezquerro Imas AI, Perez Garcia E, Estrade Suarez OJ, Arruza Echevarria A. [Fungal aneurysm with ileal conduit fistula to external iliac artery: Complication following laparoscopic radical cystoprostatectomy.]. Arch Esp Urol. 2020; 73(4)

de Velasco G, Ruiz Granados A, Reig O, Massari F, Duran M, Verzoni E, et al. Outcomes of systemic therapy in relapsed renal cell carcinoma (RCC) treated with adjuvant sunitinib (AS). J Clin Oncol. 2020; 38(6)

Manini C, Gonzalez A, Buchser D, Garcia Olaverri J, Urresola A, Ezquerro A, et al. Oligometastatic Prostate Adenocarcinoma. Clinical-Pathologic Study of a Histologically Under-Recognized Prostate Cancer. J Pers Med. 2020; 10(4): 1-9. DOI:10.3390/jpm10040265.

Carrion DM, Mantica G, Anton Juanilla M, Pang KH, Tappero S, Rodriguez Serrano A, et al. Assessment of trends and clinical presentation in the emergency department of patients with renal colic during the COVID-19 pandemic era. Actas Urol Esp. 2020; 44(10): 653-658. DOI:10.1016/j.acuro.2020.08.006.

Barbero M, Flores Mir C, Calvo Blanco J, Cabriada Nuno V, Brunso Casellas J, Calvo Girado JL, et al. Tridimensional upper airway assessment in male patients with OSA using oral advancement devices modifying their vertical dimension. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020; 16(10): 1721-1729. DOI:10.5664/jcsm.8666.

COVIDSurg C. Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. Br J Surg. 2020; 107(12): 601-602. DOI:10.1002/bjs.12050.

Arroyo Lamas N, Ugalde U, Arteagoitia I. Decontamination of Ti Oxide Surfaces by Using Ultraviolet Light: Hg-Vapor vs. LED-Based Irradiation. Antibiotics-Basel. 2020; 9(11). DOI:10.3390/antibiotics9110724.

Ros CA, Andikoetxea Agorria B, Aberasturi Plata Y, Souto Canteli B. Aneurisma sacular de vena yugular externa trombosada. A propósito de un caso. Revista Española De Cirugía Oral Y Maxilofacial. 2020; 42(4): 179-181. DOI:10.20986/recom.2020.1144/2020.

COVIDSurg C. Head and neck cancer surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international, multicenter, observational cohort study. Cancer. 2020. DOI:10.1002/cncr.33320.

Mijangos F, Celaya MA, Gainza FJ, Imaz A, Arana E. SEM-EDX linear scanning: a new tool for morpho-compositional analysis of growth bands in urinary stones. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2020; 25(5): 705-715. DOI:10.1007/s00775-020-01793-0.

Schilling C, Stoeckli SJ, Vigili MG, de Bree R, Lai SY, Alvarez J, et al. Surgical consensus guidelines on sentinel node biopsy (SNB) in patients with oral cancer. Head Neck. 2019; 41(8): 2655-2664. DOI:10.1002/hed.25739.

Gonzalez Hermosa MR, Guerra E, Tuduri I, Vicente I, Lopez Almaraz R. CLAPO syndrome: Effective response to treatment with oral rapamycin. Dermatol Ther. 2019; 32(4). DOI:10.1111/dth.12991.

Sanchez FR, Arteagoitia I, Andres CR, Caiazzo A. Antibiotic prophylaxis habits in oral implant surgery among dentists in Italy: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Oral Health. 2019; 19(1): 265-265. DOI:10.1186/s12903-019-0943-x.

Rodriguez Sanchez F, Arteagoitia I, Rodriguez Andres C, Bruers J. Antibiotic prophylaxis prescribing habits in oral implant surgery in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Oral Health. 2019; 19(1): 281-281. DOI:10.1186/s12903-019-0981-4.

Grijalba Ipiñazar I, Tuduri Limousin I, Reguera Fernández M, Najarro Ajuria G, Martínez Ruiz A. Anesthetic management of a child with congenital Steiner syndrome scheduled for laparoscopic bilateral orchidopexy. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim. 2019; 66(7): 381-384. DOI:10.1016/j.redar.2019.03.012.

Cardenal Alonso Allende TM, Valdivieso Castro MP, Álvarez Martínez L, Tuduri Limousin I, Oliver Llinares FJ. Resultados del enema hidrostático en pacientes con clínica prolongada de invaginación ileocólica. Cir Pediatr. 2019; 32(4): 190-194

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Tesis del grupo

Autor/a: Carlos Prol Tejeiro. Título: Cambios morfológicos en vía aérea superior tras cirugía de avance maxilo-mandibular en síndrome de apnea/hipopnea del sueño de carácter moderado-severo. Directores/as: Dr. Luis Barbier Herrero, Dr. Joan Brunso Casellas. URL:

Autor/a: Aingeru Sarriugarte Lasarte. Título: Histopatologian oinarritutako tratamendu kirurgikotik proteogenomikak gidatutako doitasunezko kirurgiara . Directores/as: Dr. Rafael Sarria Arostegui. URL:



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